Product Roadmap
  • 29 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Product Roadmap

Article summary

Abblix OIDC Server - Product Roadmap

Resource Indicators

  • Goal: provide a mechanism for clients to specify which resource servers they intend to access.
  • Action: implement the use of resource indicators to issue access tokens that are scoped to the specified resource server(s).
  • Benefits: Increased security by ensuring that access tokens are limited to specific resource servers, reducing the risk of token misuse and unauthorized access.
  • When: Q2 2024.
  • Reference: Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0

Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA)

  • Goal: Enable secure and convenient user authentication from devices that cannot directly interact with users.
  • Action: Deploy CIBA to allow authentication via indirect methods such as notifications or SMS on a secondary device.
  • Benefits: Broader authentication options, enhanced security for transactions on non-interactive devices.
  • When: Q2 2024.
  • Reference: OpenID Connect CIBA Flow

Device Authorization

  • Goal: Facilitate user authentication on devices lacking direct web access using another web-enabled device.
  • Action: Introduce a device authorization grant to allow user authentication via secondary devices, supporting environments like smart TVs and IoT devices.
  • Benefits: Simplified and secure user experience for device authentication in non-browser environments.
  • When: Q3 2024.
  • Reference: OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant

We are always excited to consider implementing useful and relevant features. We welcome your suggestions on our Abblix GitHub page. Looking forward to your proposals!